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Use T4N Resources

We are excited to be able to offer a variety of resources which organizations can apply for with us! Please note that we DO NOT under any circumstance provide funding. In order to qualify to gain resources from The4Network you must be an incorporated nonprofit. If this is not the case and you would still like to use our resources, consider becoming a project of The4Network.

Some of the resources we provide for all incorporated nonprofits (note that you must offer all services which involve T4N resources for free)


  • Free eNgaged Course Content (you must have an Xperience provided platform in place)

  • Discounted rates on the Xperience platform (see "Education" and then "engaged Learning" and "Xperience Education" for more details)

  • Ability to create material kits for your courses or projects which can be purchased via the Informaleon website

  • Ability to use IPI Pedagogy courses and videos to train your teachers/instructors

  • Ability to offer StudyBuddy tutoring, mentoring and counseling to your students

  • Ability to offer StudyBuddy study skills and remedial courses for your students (you must have an Xperience provided platform in place)

  • Ability to use Xperience tools for your platform for free (including Math-o-matic technology developed games, QuickQuiz assessments features and more)


Does this sound interesting? Just contact us on to get more information and begin using our resources!

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